A Night Out In Club

My new friend Maryvianne was a total different girl than I was , there was nothing she doesn't dare to, she had four different piercings on her ears and a single one on her lips, we met in the college cafeteria, we became instant friends, you can say opposite attract, because she was everything I wanted to be but couldn't.

  Maryvianne called me out on a fateful night to join her for a party, since my parent were out as usual and I was very bored, I decided to give it a shot unknowingly to me, she was making me attend a sex club like fr, I wasn't aware until we got there, I wasn't even given a choice as she dragged me in. It was too late to back out,  as I was drawn in by the specular scenes before me, different naked girls were tied up by another girl or a man, as they were spanked with a whip, while the girls moaned seductively as if encouraging them for more,

”Does that make you h*rny” Maryvianne asked as she followed my gaze.

”uhhmmm” I quickly averted my gaze and looked somewhere else but it wasn't even any better, A guy was kissing another while, roaming his hands all over his partner chest, groaning and grabbing his butt, I scanned the club and noticed that almost everyone already have a partner and they are at it, My mischievous thoughts wasn’t helping either, as I started up to imagine myself tied up and spanked like those girls, I wanted to feel the sensation too, I wanted to be bounded and fucked from behind too.

  Maryvianne saw my lustful gaze and laughed 

“Girl, you look like you wanna rape someone right now” she uttered while walking away to meet some guys that once winked to her, wait is this club like ”s*x is here, come and have it club”.  God! I whispered to myself as I found a chair to seat on infront of a barman and asked for a shot.

Mindlessly I was on my third shots but I'm still horny, I tried to rub my thighs together but the desire kept soaring waiting for a release, I don’t know how I got up from my seat and went to the stage where the girls being tired up were.

“Can you tie me up too” I said to a guy who was spanking a redheded girl, my face was red as a tomato but I bet the guy already concluded I'm a full snack as he sent the girl away, the bitch gave me sneer and left, but I couldn't be bothered as I started stripping my cloths, with only my Underwears left, The guy tied my hands to the pole and brought a blindfold to my eyes, I was a little shocked because the earlier girl wasn't wearing a blindfold.

“The blindfold will double the pleasure ” he said, I nodded as he blindfolded me and starts spanking my ass with his whip, 

”Count it, and beg me for more” he said authoritatively, but instead of fear I found out that it brings pleasure to listen to him talk to me like that, Like a little  kitten I started counting and begging him to give me more, I could feel that my pissy is wet, as the juice spewed out effortlessly, while spanking me, he’d also grab my ass checks and squeeze it coincidentally, the combination was earthwrecking as I felt my pussy clenched out more juice, I wanted the pleasure but I couldn't reach it, suddenly he stopped spanking me and start rubbing my juice on my clit, in a slow circular motion, ” ahhh, fuck, yess” I whispered.

” you like it?.....don’t you” he asked still rubbing my clit and delaying my pleasure,

”yes yess yess” I kept on chanting it like a mantra, unbothered by our environment, or by the fact that my p*ssy is probably seen by everyone at the moment, all I could think of was the pleasure he was giving me, slowly, he slipped a finger in my drenched pussy, 

”ahhh” I gasped surprisingly 

”Want me to add another finger” he whispered, I nodded immediately as he inserted another finger and started fingering me, while his thumb caress my clit,

”ohh, ahhhh, ohyess, mmmm, mmmm” I kept on moaning and whispering, my desire building up and scattering anytime he inserted his finger and withdraw it, I almost shouted at him to make me cum, as if noticing I could take it anymore, he began to increase the rate of his thrust, going faster and deeper with my wet pussy making it easy for him.

”yessssssssssssss” I cried out as I finally attained my orgasm, my pussy clenched and I squirted my juice on his fingers, I felt so some of it slipping down my thighs, I was too satisfied to bother my self with it, he then removed my blindfold, I saw him licked my juices off his fingers as he grinned at me.

”you are new here?” he asked me with a naughty smile, I signified him to untie me.

”yeah, I came with a friend” I replied as I rubbed my wrist and put on my clothes, that was when the alcohol kicked in, feeling a Lil tipsy, I slumped on his hands, I didn't know if it was the alcohol or it was my legs that gave out from the intense pleasure, I saw myself being carried out from the club and placed on a bed before I passed out. 


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