
 I almost concluded that this was the most fucked up party I ever been to until the stupid DJ shitting us crap left and another one came on stage, I couldn't be more happy when he gave us mix of unknown trap songs.. 

I didn't notice his dreaded hair until he pull off his hoodie, wow he's hot asf, was my first thought when I saw his face, now this is some hotcake I said to myself, couldn't be better, he had the perfect lips, I mumbled some words to the ugly ass mf that was bickering shit to me all day and moved closer to the hot DJ,  when I got to him he was so engrossed in his stereo that he didn't notice me, giving me alot of time to study his perfect lips and tanned skin.. Then our eyes met and he winked,  ohfuckkk,  Don't get creamy on me, I told my already wet pussy, looks like my body has a mind on it own 'cuz I can feel my pussy damped, I wetted my lips and I saw his eyes narrowed it, being my silly self I winked at him and went out of the club, I half expected him to ignore my sexy approach and continue his job but I saw his shadow followed me out of the club, 

"What do you want girl" I heard a husky voice whispered behind me, I turned and saw him, he's more good looking i couldn't help but stared at him.. 

"I want you, daddy, " I whispered softly in his ear and nibbled on it gently and kiss him as if shocked he didn't respond until he gets a hang that I meant business. Then he matched my lips with his and kissing me vigorously as his next breath depends on it. I don't mind I just want him, deep inside me, in my mouth, in my wet pussy, I felt his hands threading closer to my coochies, I quickly scanned our surroundings and make sure it safe then I submit to the cloud9 his lips are dragging me to, his hands on my lips was something I never thought I will experience "heaven" am so wet and ready for him, I moved my hand to his trousers and I was surprised at the length, any more surprises!!!  I quickly unzip him and brought out his water gun, blowing him with my hand while moan softly in my mouth, God this guy can kiss... 

"Get on your knee and suck daddy" he spanked my ass and pushed me down, wasting no time I guided his big cock in my mouth and wet it and started sucking him slowly and while my tongue played with the cap, 

"Faster, he groaned and pulled my hair, my head immediately submitted to the assault then I started sucking him and humming to make vibration sound around his cock, I could feel him tightened around me it encourage me to suck him faster and deep throat him, he gagged me with cock and I felt tears prickling on my cheeks but that didn't stop me from sucking him till he spill his nuts deep down my throat, then I stood up and whispered in his ear again

" fuck me zaddy, " 

"Are you on pills baby" he asked and I nodded, without any other words he picked me up and scissors my laps around him and enter my wet pussy in one swift thrust, ahhh, I moaned loudly

"Shhhhh, don't scream hun" he said hoarsely while he fucked my pussy, he's so big I couldn't help but scream again and again 

Ohyeeeesohfuuuck,  I screamed until he covered my mouth with his hand and pinned me to the wall,  then fuck me hard and deep,ohyyyyeeeees, I mumbled and moaned, I felt my pussy tightened around him and he groan out and fucked me harder, 

Am cummmmingg,  I moaned against his hand while he thrust faster and faster then shot his nuts again inside me and I cummed on his big cock,

"You wanna do this again baby girl" he asked while kissing my neck, I almost said yes,  then I remembered am leaving town

" No captain "

"We'd be meet again babe" he said then dropped me, I couldn't feel my legs and my pussy is all sore but  I managed to stand and watched him go back into the club...


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