
A Night Out In Club

My new friend Maryvianne was a total different girl than I was , there was nothing she doesn't dare to, she had four different piercings on her ears and a single one on her lips, we met in the college cafeteria, we became instant friends, you can say opposite attract, because she was everything I wanted to be but couldn't.   Maryvianne called me out on a fateful night to join her for a party, since my parent were out as usual and I was very bored, I decided to give it a shot unknowingly to me, she was making me attend a sex club like fr, I wasn't aware until we got there, I wasn't even given a choice as she dragged me in. It was too late to back out,    as I was drawn in by the specular scenes before me, different naked girls were tied up by another girl or a man, as they were spanked with a whip, while the girls moaned seductively as if encouraging them for more, ”Does that make you h*rny” Maryvianne asked as she followed my gaze. ”uhhmmm” I quickly averted my gaze and

Crossing boundaries

 “You know you can do anything you want to me, don’t you?” Betty said as she ran her pink tongue across her lower lip. “Anything at all?” Liz asked as she lifted her brows and touched Betty’s jawbone drawing her closer. “Hmm”   Betty looked up submissively at Liz as she nodded her hair, her soft curls popping up and down adorable. F*ck!   All Liz wanted right now, was to dip her fingers into this little slutty girl p*ssy and make her understand what she should have taken into consideration when she said “anything”. “Why are you so nasty?” Liz asked kinda curious because she have never met someone like her “X-rated Books, p*rn, you can have your pick” Betty replied non-chalantly, while she focused on running her fingers playfully on Liz exotic thighs. Hmmm   “And since when have you been reading and seeing x-rated stuffs” Liz asked, as she squinted her eyes because Betty hands were getting bolder. “You don’t have to worry about that” Betty countered as she smiled up at Liz showing her p