Crossing boundaries

 “You know you can do anything you want to me, don’t you?” Betty said as she ran her pink tongue across her lower lip.

“Anything at all?” Liz asked as she lifted her brows and touched Betty’s jawbone drawing her closer.


  Betty looked up submissively at Liz as she nodded her hair, her soft curls popping up and down adorable. F*ck!

  All Liz wanted right now, was to dip her fingers into this little slutty girl p*ssy and make her understand what she should have taken into consideration when she said “anything”.

“Why are you so nasty?” Liz asked kinda curious because she have never met someone like her

“X-rated Books, p*rn, you can have your pick” Betty replied non-chalantly, while she focused on running her fingers playfully on Liz exotic thighs. Hmmm 

“And since when have you been reading and seeing x-rated stuffs” Liz asked, as she squinted her eyes because Betty hands were getting bolder.

“You don’t have to worry about that” Betty countered as she smiled up at Liz showing her perfect dentition “I’m grown enough to try all the fun things out with you” Betty moved closer to Liz directly sitting on her lap, running seductive circles on her collarbones.

  Liz entire body was on fire, demanding for any kind of release, But she was trying to hold it in. if she crossed this bridge there’s no turning back. Crossing this means she would have to give up her control. It was a battle she was slowly losing because she could clearly see the cleavage of Betty’s gorgeous bre*sts. It was so inviting like a pepperoni pizza, exactly what she needed right now. But damnnn!!

“Don’t you want me?” Betty asked, as she leisurely played with her blouse straps. What is wrong with her?, I’m just taking the initiative if she wants her to just have usual s*x I’m down for it. I just wanted to try something new that’s all. Let’s see how long she can resist me. Betty thought as her moves becomes even more bolder.

“I just wanted you to spank me as much as you want” Betty pouted. Slowly rubbing her soft ass as she looked at Liz seductively 

“Woman, stop that”

“Why should I stop, you didn’t want me! So my actions shouldn’t offend you” Betty pouted again as she slightly spanked herself.

“I said fucking stop” Liz screamed and directly wrapped her hands around Betty throat. Oh-uh, got ya. 

“When I tell you to stop, you stop!” Liz grunted, as she pulled Betty’s blouse off with her free hand. Betty looked like a f*cking slave right now and the look on her face just made Liz lose all shreds of sanity. 

“You want to be treated like a slave, I will grant your wish” Liz said as she flipped Betty on her knees with her ass up. Her skirt hanging between her waist, as her fresh butt was exposed to Liz naked eyes, she was wearing a lingerie that could be easily seen through. 

 “ Now count to ten, for every spank you forgot didn’t count, I will add five to the original ten” 

  Betty knew she finally sparked up the Dominant nature of her roommate, they’ve always been playing it safe with the sex but Betty knew it can be better than this. She always see it in Liz’s eyes that she was a wolf, that was restraining herself. Finally! The word chorused in her ears.

“Okay daddy”





  Each spank was heavier than previous, it came as pain but resulted into pleasure, anytime Liz merciless hands spanked her butt Betty feels pleasure running down to her core. Her moans become more softer and louder, she occasionally stops counting because 10 spanks is not the goal. She turned her back and looked at Liz as she spanks her, the intense concentration and look of someone taming a wild beast was present on her face. Her brown eyes were on her ass as her hands were spanking her as hard as she can. 

   Was it 20 now? 30? Liz herself lost counts of how many times she hit Betty’s ass, she could see her fingers lines spreads boldly on Betty ass as she stroked it with her fingers. Liz took her time exploring her craft on Betty’s ass, and if Liz had found her hot before ... this was a whole new level. Liz slowly parted her folds, and Betty couldn’t help but release a soft groan at the sudden intrusion.

   Liz smiled at her responsiveness, and she slowly stripped away her lingerie, pushing it down her legs before coming back to her folds. Betty p*ssy looked so pink and adorable that Liz couldn’t help but stroke her cl*t with her thumb. 

   Betty gasped, arching into her touch.

Liz seemed to like her reactions as she increased her strokes, putting pressure as she formed a rhythm. 

“You are so wet for me” Liz said hoarsely, as she finally slipped a finger inside Betty.

Better jerked beneath her. “Yes” she moaned out.

“Hm” Liz replied lazily and went back to her cl*t, now putting more pressure as she rubbed her cl*t in circles.

“Don’t stop” Betty panted, hips grinding to me each strokes. Her face full of pleasure, her teeth gently biting her lip. Liz strokes becomes faster and steadier as she worked Betty’s cl*t, as Betty did her part to encourage her.

  Liz wrapped her hands around Betty throat as her dominant side took over. The pleasure was building after than rising fire. “ I’m going to cum” Betty managed to choke out before she squeezed her eyes shut and let the ripples of desire tour through her. Leaving her panting and gasping for oxygen.


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