Not the usual sex

I’m not quite done with you yet” That’s what Anna heard after the
thrilling pleasure she just experienced. She haven’t even caught  her breath, when Reya suddenly thrust a finger inside her wet p*ssy. Her back subconsciously to match Reya’s thrust, positioning her her waist to let Reya’s thrust hits her g-spot directly. She moaned and accept each thrust as her body anticipated for release.

“Please don’t stop” Her whimper became louder, followed by indistinctive cries. Reya was f*cking her with an expertise that had her questioning her past lovers. What the fuck have I been doing all this while. The pleasure was building but it also seems so far away because she couldn’t grasped it, it was the most frustrating thing she ever felt. 

“Please make me cum”


Anna couldn’t help but beg for more. She want it harder and faster, she wanted to be f*cked harder. “As you wish baby” Reya smiled. Adding another digit to the first one, Reya’s thrust became faster than previous.

“That’s it”  Anna screamed “oh yes”. Reya was too encircled in pleasure to listen to her partners screams as she exerted all her strength into f*cking her. 

 Oh, she was so close ...

Reya swirled her other finger around Anna’s hardened nipples and pinched it continuously , pleasure radiated through Anna with each pinch and thrust. The combination of both was Tom shattering that she couldn’t help but to whimper and moan in massive pleasure. 

It was better than she ever imagine, she have had different girls but this was far amazing than she ever had. Their eyes met when Reya took one of her almost bruised nipples in her mouth. 

“OhmyGod” the pleasure was instant and unexpected. Reya’s finger still inside her p*ssy now slipping into slowly and prolonging her release. 

After minutes of sucking and f*cking , Anna’s body was  on fire , from her scp to her tiny pink toes, arching and demanding for instant pleasure. Anna gripped on Reya’s waist when she couldn’t take it anymore. She was already driven over the edge. She could a lot feel the sizzling waves of orgasm, radiating from her scalp to her core. 

“I’m cumming”  she gasped. She caught a smirk on Reya’s faced and she shut her eyes and gave in to the pleasure that was threatening to tear her apart, moaning and shaking from release. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw Reya sucking the finger that was just inside her p*ssy.

“What are you doing” she exclaimed.

“What” Reya queried, “I already ate every bit of your p*ssy, this is nothing compared to it”. 


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