
Showing posts from July, 2021

Mariam’s Dream

  Mariam was dead asleep when her doors unlatched, a dark figure can be seeing going through her room. Rummaging through her stuffs in search of something it can be seen that it actually looked what it was searching for. slowly the dark figure moved onto her desk till it reaches the third cabinet.  Without a slight noise, it brought out a black covered book with “Mariam’s Diary” written on it.  The dark figured smiled slowly then begin flipping the pages. The first page, Mariam was describing herself and it looks like Mariam was actually introducing herself to her dairy. “Dear diary, I’m Mariam martins, I’m 18years old. I’m a tall slim girl, I’m out of high school, I’m a shy girl” The dark figured chuckled when he read “shy girl”, she definitely was a shy girl, pretty little Mariam. He looked up at her small profile on the bed, she was so tiny he wants to dominate her. Her small physique keep calling to him, making him feel edgy and horny. But he can’t because he’s her father in the lo


"I said I'm not having s*x with him" I denied again when my best friend asked me about old guy we met in club. "But girl, are you really sure he's a priest" Lily asked not convinced.    Matt's priest gown slowly flooded my mind, I couldn't help but day dream about how his gown flood around our body while he smashes his dick right inside me and make me grunt.  "Hey Neon! Are you still there" Lily asked snapping her fingers. "Yeah, I got to go now" I replied in haste  "You going for confession again" she asked, well that's what I told her I'm doing with the priest "confessing" might really sound sappy but I was really confessing how naughty and slutty I wanted his old dick.  He likes it that way though, me screaming and telling him how bad I've been, and how bad I wanna be with him. "Okayyyy" she gave me a "you can't deceive me kinda look" but I ignored it and left our apartmen

The vacation

  Daniels POV*** "Mr Daniel, we acknowledge all your enthusiasm and patriotism about this company, your impressive effort has made us come to a conclusion to give you a week off, and after that we will make you general manager of our branch in Seattle" My mind kept replaying this scenery when I sat down at a club somewhere in south Africa, after three blunts, I was high enough to enjoy the night, because my reasonable self will never fuck any of    the bitches here,  "Hi handsome, " I heard a sweet voice called behind me, my head snapped at it immediately,  "What you doing here alone, no holes to drill"    the voice whom I just found out was dark skinned said seductively  "I bet I can drill yours better sweatpie" I replied with a wink my American assent was dripping, she'd probably get now that I ain't from here "Your place or mine," I asked "Yours " I didn't wait for further confirmation as I led her out of the cl


  I almost concluded that this was the most fucked up party I ever been to until the stupid DJ shitting us crap left and another one came on stage, I couldn't be more happy when he gave us mix of unknown trap songs..   I didn't notice his dreaded hair until he pull off his hoodie, wow he's hot asf, was my first thought when I saw his face, now this is some hotcake I said to myself, couldn't be better, he had the perfect lips, I mumbled some words to the ugly ass mf that was bickering shit to me all day and moved closer to the hot DJ,    when I got to him he was so engrossed in his stereo that he didn't notice me, giving me alot of time to study his perfect lips and tanned skin.. Then our eyes met and he winked,    ohfuckkk,    Don't get creamy on me, I told my already wet pussy, looks like my body has a mind on it own 'cuz I can feel my pussy damped, I wetted my lips and I saw his eyes narrowed it, being my silly self I winked at him and went out of the club


  I knew James wanted me, because of the way his eyes narrow anytime my cleavage shows,  like the bad girl I was, I still grinded my ass on David's trousers, I could see his bulge and I noticed the way he's now holding my waist,  but my eyes were on James,  his full lips drew me to him, and his dark features, while I was busy checking him out I didn't notice David had unzip his trouser and his dick is now vulnerable for me to play with, I stole a glance at James but he's now talking to an unknown dancer never seen before, well two can play with game, I knelt between David's legs and started rubbing my small soft hand on his huge dick,   I so much love guys that are endowed,  I wonder if James was,  it will be a very good combination, David already getting far aroused, he urged me to suck him, I put my mouth on his dick and started licking his tip while I play with his balls, slowly and slowly,  he couldn't take it anymore, the held my head to his dick and thrust


Yeah .. It’s a rainy day, I should probably be feeling cold or something, but am hot all over from just watching pussy wetting porn, damn I need to get off.... I switched on my cell and noticed that I already had a missed call and a text from harry.   "Babe, wanna come over?  You bet! " I jumped off from my bed and log out my laptop,things are going exactly how my treacherous body wants it, I stripped and went for a shower, flash back of the hot porn flashed through my mind. The Mexican man slowly threading his hand inside the girl\"s tummy going slower, fiddling with her pink thong and flicking her curls, while she moan so seductively, damn am so wet!! I need harry dick right now even more than my next breath...  I hurried out of the bathroom and quickly put on skirt and top and dashed off ....  Immediately I get to harry\"s apartment, excitement of what\"s gonna happen makes me tingle all over.. Damn am such a sex starved kitten..  I turned off the engine red